Monday, January 22, 2018

Pinewood Derby 101

Greetings Pack 9, 
The Pack Pinewood Derby is scheduled for March 11 in the Holy Cross Gymnasium.  
But, there is a local workshop happening this weekend on Sunday January 28 at 10:00am to build the cars.
Where: the CU Woodshop 1401 Parkland Ct. Champaign 61821.

I have the cars to build,if you want to attend the workshop you'll have to meet me at Holy Cross on Wednesday evening at 6:00pm to pick up.
Or call me to make other arrangements.
If you are building your car at home, I will distribute the cars to the den leaders to give to you.

Attached are the rules for 2018.

Please contact me with any other questions.



Thursday, January 4, 2018

Pack 9 January News

Greetings, I wanted to share the details regarding the annual bowling event at GT's Western Bowl on Francis Drive in Champaign. Attached is the flyer-hope to see you there!

Note: there is a chance for inclement weather on Sunday.  If decided, we will postpone for a later date.

Also, contact Jim Linnenburger if you are interested in going to see the Harlem Globetrotters later this month.

Cubmaster Pack 9