Tuesday, November 7, 2017

November News

Greetings Pack 9,

I hope that you had fun if you attended the Smilin Pumpkin event at Camp Drake last month.  
The Camp Drake Service Day is Saturday, November 11th from 9:00am-3:00pm. Prairielands Council is asking for both youth and adult volunteers to help prepare Camp Drake for winter guests.  The day is planned to begin at 9:00am at the Tin Shed, pizza is on the menu for lunch at the Dining Hall, and will finish at 3:00pm.  If you can (only come out for part of the day), rsvp, arrive to camp, check in and get assigned to a crew to help split firewood and/or clear brush from the trails around the campsites.  

Please RSVP to Allesandro Bellina if you can attend the Camp Drake Service Day by Friday, November 10 (abellina@gmail.com).

Also, prizes have been ordered for selling popcorn, be on the lookout for an email from the Kernel regarding a time and date for the Prize Party! 
Take a look at the other happenings in the news letter. 
Pack 9 is making a difference!

Yours in scouting,
